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Welcome and Mission



“All Students Will Realize Their Unlimited Potential”


Our Mission:

“The staff at McAuliffe Elementary School, together with the community, aims to provide academic success through an effective instructional program in a positive, safe environment, and to instill the joy of learning as the unique talents of each student and staff member are promoted.”


Dear Parents,

Welcome to McAuliffe Elementary School.  We are proud of our school and its educational program.  We look forward to working with you and community members in educating your children, our most valuable and cherished asset.  

The goal we all share is that our children receive an education which prepares them for their future education and career, and prepares them to be productive citizens.  We ask for your support in meeting these goals.

We challenge you, McAuliffe parents, to be sure your child attends online school each and every day and that each day they log on ON TIME.  Please remember that when your child is tardy or absent he/she misses out on important instructional time.

Please arrange medical and other appointments after school so your child will not miss school.  When your child is ill, call the school office or send a note to the teacher. 

School-home communication is encouraged.  If you have a question, call the school at 358-1625.  If you wish to discuss a matter an appointment can be made. Please discuss the issue with the teacher first.

Please review on our website throughout the year since this handbook may be updated periodically.  



Gerardo Aguilar, Principal

McAuliffe Elementary

Citizenship and Safety Standards


Our goal at McAuliffe Elementary School is to ensure that our students develop their full potential, academically, socially and physically.  We are committed to creating an atmosphere for learning and for developing social responsibility.  Each student is encouraged to take responsibility for his or her own learning and behavior.  We urge parents and guardians to be actively involved in supporting our efforts in teaching and discipline.

In order to provide a safe and orderly environment and to ensure that students are able to focus on learning, high standards are necessary.  The following standards have been developed with input from staff and parents, and are enforced by all members of the school community.



  • Respect for others
  • Respect for their school
  • Respect for themselves

Students will behave in such a way as to promote safety.


1.  Respect must be shown toward students and adults at all times. Directions given by school personnel must be followed the first time.

2.  Fighting (including play fighting) or dangerous behaviors such as hitting, kicking, pushing, wrestling, and throwing objects (i.e. rocks and sand) are not permitted.

3.  Running and playing in the hallways is not permitted.

4.  Only materials, supplies, and items directly related to units of study may be brought to school. There may be some exceptions with prior approval of teachers. Electronic games and devices, cell phones, cassette players, radios, laser light pointers and toys are not permitted.  Inappropriate items will be confiscated and returned to the parents.

5.  School property, facilities, and equipment must be used properly and safely.

6.  Bicycles, skateboards, scooters, and skates may not be ridden on campus.

7.  Chewing gum is not permitted at school.

8.  Hats are not recommended and need to be removed while indoors. (If hats are worn, the bill is to be forward.)

9.  All state and federal laws must be followed at all times.


Students may receive rewards for following rules and showing good citizenship and respectful behavior. Failure to follow school rules may result in the following action or actions (not necessarily in this order):


1.  Warning

2.  Reprimand/citation

3.  Parent notification

4.  Loss of privileges or activity, including end-of-the-year activities

5.  Detention

6.  Damage or replacement fees

7.  Suspension

8.  Referral for expulsion

9.  Police action



The McAuliffe Detention Policy is presented with these basic premises.  They are:

1.            Every parent and child clearly understands the expected standards of behavior.

2.            The consequences for failure to follow the standards will be applied consistently.

3.            Children will be held responsible for their behavior by consequences established in this discipline plan.

It is imperative that students and parents understand and support the following standards.  These standards create a safe and effective learning environment, and promote the students’ academic, social, and emotional development.  All students are expected to adhere to the standards and accept the consequences for each infraction they choose to make.

Note:  Parents will be notified by letter or phone first.  Detention is defined as the time served outside the school day.  (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm)


Prior to the decision to suspend a pupil (except under emergency conditions) an informal conference must be held with the principal/designee.  At this time the pupil will be afforded an opportunity to know what s/he is accused of and to tell his/her side.  The parent shall be notified as soon as possible by telephone or other reasonable means of the decision to suspend a pupil.  A notice of the suspension will be given to the pupil’s parent/guardian and a conference may be requested.

Attendance, Arrivals and Departures



Students are expected, by law, to attend school every day unless they are ill. Doctor and dentist appointments should be scheduled after school.  Daily attendance allows for the student to obtain the necessary instruction in the classroom. 

Students must not only attend school daily but arrive on time. On time means a student must be in the classroom when the 8:05 am bell rings.   Any time after 8:05 am is considered LATE.  PARENTS MUST SEND A NOTE OR PHONE CALL WITH THE REASON FOR ABSENCE  WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER THE ABSENCE.   If you can provide a doctor/dentist’s clearance for your child, the absence will be excused.

NOTE: Perfect attendance is when a student is in attendance from the time the school day begins until the school day ends.  In order for a student to receive the perfect attendance trophy at the end of the school year, the student must have NO absences, tardies, early dismissals, etc.  However, we do encourage parents to keep students home if they are ill; they will NOT be allowed to remain at school. 


Safety of our children is very important. The following are suggestions and rules which will help your child be safe.

1.    Insist that your child go directly to and from school.  We encourage parents never to let students travel alone.

2.    Know the time your child is due home. If your child is irregular in arriving home, please contact the school and an attempt will be made to find the reason for the delay.

3.    Students should not arrive before 7:40am, Students should depart school as soon as dismissed.

4.    Please pick students up PROMPTLY after school. 

5.    Students should stay off private property and travel the recommended routes to and from school.

6.    You must send a note if your child is to change his/her regular routine. Young children, especially, have difficulty remembering what a parent said when it is time to go home.  Arrangements need to be made BEFORE school. Classroom instruction will not be interrupted to deliver messages to students. Children may not use the phone to change plans.

7.    Teach your child to walk on the side of the road facing on-coming traffic if there are no sidewalks.

8.    Advise your child to avoid strangers, and not get into a car with someone s/he doesn’t know. Tell him/her not to accept money, candy or presents from strangers, and not to help a stranger look for lost animals or get directions.

9.    Parents picking up and dropping off students are required to comply with all traffic instructions at the front of the school for the safety of all children.


1.    Only students in grades 4-5, with a signed bike contract, may ride bicycles to school.

2.    Bicycles must be walked on campus.

3.    All bicycles must be locked to the bicycle rack.

4.    All students are expected to obey the traffic laws, including wearing a bike helmet while riding their bicycle and to use the crosswalk with the crossing guard, and not double riding.

5.    It is recommended that all students have their bicycles licensed with the City of Riverside.

Failure to follow these rules may result in the loss of bike riding privileges and parents will be contacted.  Other items will be confiscated if school rules are not followed.